QR Code Scanner for Asset Management App

We've added QR code scanning to our asset management and it's awesome. Streamline your asset tracking and remove incorrect identification of errors with our QR code scanner.

29 October 2019
Glenn Richmond

We’ve added QR code scanning to our asset management and it’s awesome

Along with the gluttony of new features that our Fieldmagic Cloud platform is adding, we’ve just made available our QR and serial code scanner for asset management in both our Android and iOS apps.

What benefits does this give me as a customer?

Put simply, this saves technicians time in the field by removing manual searching of serial numbers and ensuring that when a technician is inspecting an asset, they’re able to guarantee that they have identified the correct asset. The technician no longer has to rely on walk orders and free text descriptions of asset locations in order to identify assets.

A summary of the key features of the QR code scanner include:

The above features work seamlessly with the existing asset compliance checklists as well as our simple (pass/fail) asset inspections.

Check out the screenshots below for how this looks in our app.